Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Edge of Leather

More and more lately, I've been using the natural edge of the leather hides as part of the journal/sketchbooks I make. This is one was especially fun:

Here's what it looks like when "unwrapped":


Waterrose said...

How beautiful and it looks very it?

moonandhare said...

This cover is made from goathide, and the leather is firm, but not stiff, if that makes any sense :)


I have really enjoyed visiting your blog, your work and your lovely Header. I also appreciated your comment in your profile about one of your interests being looking for your glasses...I am 46 and new to wearing glasses...very annoying things and am forever looking for them so I enjoyed your comment!


moonandhare said...

Thanks, Gillian! We all seem to get to the glasses-hunting stage sooner or later, I guess :)

Acornmoon said...

Know what you mean about the glasses. It comes to us all sooner or later! The books look lovely,I like the way you are using the natural shape of the skin. I am making a similar structure. I went to a workshop where we impressed the leather, taught by Rachel Ward-Sale It is very easy to impress to do. In case you have not done it before, you wet the leather first, then put grass, leaves, string etc onto the leather, then sandwich it between boards, then put in press. Hey presto, you have embossed leather. I am sure you know already, forgive my lecture:)

Rima Staines said...

This is lovely :)I like raw edges of most things :)... paper too.

moonandhare said...

Thanks for the tips about embossing leather, acornmoon! I actually hadn't tried it, but I definitely will now.