Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Book Day Sale

I'm part of the Bookbinding Etsy Street Team (BEST), and we are having a sale to celebrate World Book Day (April 23rd).

If you are a book lover and want to stock up on some lovely handmade books, check out the great sales at these stores:

ladyartisan: 15% off
lapaperie: 10% off
bluevalentinepress: free s&h + gift
subu: 10% off paper items
yellowcraftychick: 10% off
yatsu: free s&h
usefulbooks: 10% off
thisibexx: 10% off
myhandboundbooks: bogo 25% off
scodioli: free s&h
kristincrane: 10% off
kupokiley: 10% off
thecraftykitten: 10% off
flurrsprite: 15% off
uniquelycovered: 10% off
repaper: 10% off
moonbindery: 10% off selected items
artkitten: 20% off books + free s&h
bibliophile: 20% off

You can also see some lovely books BEST members have created to celebrate World Book Day here on the BEST blog:

1 comment:

Margins. said...

Wow. Talk about great deals. Thanks for sharing!