Monday, January 5, 2009

New Bonefolder

A new issue of The Bonefolder (an online bookbinding and book arts journal) came out recently.

In it was an article by Monica Langwe Berg on medieval Eastonian limp leather bindings. I immediately ordered Monica's book on these bindings, and it's sooo lovely! Monica recreated eight bindings that are in an archive in Tallinn, Eastonia, and her idea for the book was to give enough instructions that someone could be inspired to create their own variations of the bindings. So, over the next few weeks, I'll be posting my versions of some of the Tallinn bindings. This kind of project gets bookbinding geeks like me all in a lather--can't wait to get started! :)


Unknown said...

Barbara, it makes me very happy to know someone in the twenty-first century is making moon journals and learning about medieval Estonian bindings ! It all sounds a wonderful marriage of the dreamy with the practical. Have fun !

moonandhare said...

Sheila, you are so right-- a marriage of the dreamy with the practical really sums up what I do, although the dreamy part tends to overwhelm the practical part, maybe a little too often... :)

moonandhare said...
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Cari said...

Hello Barbara, I just referenced your blog on mine for your wonderful medieval style bindings. I'm looking forward to seeing your results from trying out the Estonian bindings.

Not sure if my link will come through but here it is: